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Though it didn’t really seem like summer until recently, with the weather having been cool for the northeast in June, believe it or not we are heading into the middle of it. This coming Monday is Independence Day, July 4th, the time when we celebrate the birth of our great nation and the true arrival of summer weather. Pretty much everyone is out of school for vacation 2022 and for those who work, it’s likely you’ve got at least one trip planned in the next two months. Well, if you haven’t already sorted out where you’re going to watch the fireworks in a couple days, here’s a list of all the towns by county in New Jersey that are having them. It gives links and locations, which is very helpful for those of us who haven’t had the time to think about it. Go, stay safe, and celebrate! We’ve had two years plus of being afraid to be out in public. Now’s the time to remember the joys of that experience. Happy Independence day 2022
