(908) 725-2366 sccinfo@somersetchildrenscenter.org   fax  (908) 725-3945

The Somerset Children’s Center is ready to open this October for in-person therapy while continuing with Teletherapy for those clients who are uncomfortable coming in for therapy. Our physical, occupational and speech and language therapists are contacting their clients to set up appointments and the excitement is contagious! Recently, we have welcomed to our Center two new occupational therapists, Jennifer Seck and Rebecca Lane, as well as a speech and language therapist, Daneille Painter. The excitement, compassion, and talent they encompass has only added to our professional staff here at the Center.
Fall has arrived and the crispness in the air is invigorating. Children are most likely going back to school or continuing virtual instruction. Despite how the children receive their instruction, they still may feel anxious and confused about the future. It is now important to pay close attention to their feelings, as well as yours, and focus on the good things that life has to offer.

Pumpkins and apples and haystacks and scarecrows! These are some of the happy things our children think of! There are many safe activities and crafts families can enjoy together to bring joy to this trying time. Instead of Trick or Treating, have the children decorate the house for Halloween. They can use some old clothes and stuff them with leaves to make a scarecrow and use an old pillowcase for the head! Painting the face should be lots of fun! They can make wreathes and paint and carve pumpkins. Having a family party to celebrate the holiday could become a new tradition. Baking scary cookies or cupcakes is fun, too! The internet has many fun and creative ideas for children to enjoy this season.

We are all too aware of how Covid -19 has changed the lives of our families, community and quite frankly, our world. We pray for those who have been sick and may have lost loved ones. Our wish for everyone is to remain diligent and take precautions to mitigate this pandemic. Wearing a mask and remaining 6 feet aware from one another when possible as it is important to keep yourself and others healthy. We at the Somerset Children’s Center have taken many precautions to keep the staff, families, and children safe. We have purchased masks, shields, clear barriers, and individual activity boxes for each individual child. I am confident our clients will feel comfortable and at ease coming into the Center once it opens again!

I wish you all the best of health and an incredibly happy Halloween!

Mrs. Mindy Hoppe, Director of the Somerset Children’s Center