(908) 725-2366 sccinfo@somersetchildrenscenter.org   fax  (908) 725-3945

We’re reopening in late October!

It is time to open the Somerset Children’s Center to service the needs of our incredibly special children. We have missed our families and cannot wait to see them! We are looking to open within the 3rd week of October, the therapists are contacting their clients to set up appointments. Like the public schools, we are choosing a hybrid approach for providing therapy. For those who choose virtual instruction, we will continue to provide Teletherapy. But for those clients who wish to come into the Center for in-person therapy, we will be here for them.

This pandemic has caused many to rethink how to provide safe and effective services. We at the Center feel it is important for everyone to be aware of the changes we have made to keep everyone safe. We realize these changes may be difficult to get used to at first, but I am convinced together we can open successfully.

When a client comes to the Center their temperature will be taken. The parent and guardian will have to sign a short health questionnaire before services are rendered. We have purchased for each child their very own plastic shoe box with crayons, glue sticks, pencils, scissors, and markers. Inside their special box is also their very own baseball cap with a clear shield attached, but if appropriate, the child may wear a mask. We have hands-free soap dispensers in all bathrooms and hands-free hand sanitizers in all rooms. There is disinfectant spray and paper toilet seat covers in all bathrooms. Each room has disinfectant wipes, and the therapists have for use gloves, masks, shields, and plastic sneeze guards. And of course, after each therapy, all table surfaces and therapeutic equipment will be cleaned thoroughly.

I realize this is an uncertain time, but we at the Center are taking the utmost precautions to keep our staff and clients safe. Our staff is looking forward to seeing the children and their families again.

Thank you for your consideration,
Mindy Hoppe
Director of the Somerset Children’s Center

As we get closer we will put out more specific details. If you want additional information, please contact us directly via phone at (908) 725-2366 or via email at sccinfo@somersetchildrenscenter.org .

Don’t forget to check back in this space for further updates.